Our Corporate Anthem?

Once again, not to be mistaken for Tuesday's With Morrie, it's time for Tuesdays With Trump. Over at a financial forum...

Muck - "As long as we allow corporations to buy congress critters we will get more of the same."

We Natter... Sixty-nine of the world’s 100 top economic entities are now corporations instead of countries. Juristic person hood could be the biggest sham ever perpetrated on an unsuspecting and naive public. SCOTUS holding that spending money is in any way related to the core of freedom of expression, is of dubious moral character, but it gets far worse my fiends, er friends

The logical convolution required to conclude that, allowing corporations and entities to spend in elections, would not result in conflicts of interest, concentration of power, or would promote political equality, defies the definition of common sense. By extension, a soulless invention of the state now has the right to practice and maintain it's own religious beliefs under the Constitution's 1st Amendment.

Oh yes, and how does this fall under Tuesday's with Trump oh Nattering One? You just keep picking on that poor man, who only means well, like a bad case of scabies. Yeah and for good reason, like a misbehaved child he just keeps opening his mouth and saying the damnedest things. 

Did everybody forget, POTUS Trump said he would dismantle the Johnson Amendment? Watch below in horror at 48 seconds of video, which have the founding father's and every dead President, especially Johnson and Jefferson, collectively rolling over in their graves.

Nobody has ever done it better or in less time, as POTUS 47 conflated religious freedom, freedom of speech, life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness, country and God. All of this while vowing to destroy our secular government (separation of Church and State) as established and guaranteed under the U.S. Constitution. Get in the car....

Coming soon to a small employer and Megalomart near you, if an employer doesn't like your politics, religion, sexual preferences, habits or lifestyle viz. atheistic, premarital sex, birth control, abortion, LBGT etc. they can legally discriminate in employment decisions due to their religious convictions under the 1st Amendment.

As we speak, draft EO and legislation enforcing the above, while allowing tax exempt orgs in on the act viz. houses of worship, aka Churches (not Church's fried chicken you wishbone heads), is in circulation within the current administration.  Next election, Papal approved candidates? Now that's a benediction with tithing benefits?

Freedom must be earned with spilled blood, but it can easily be taken away from sheeple while they sleep. Question is: How bahhhad do you want it?  As predicted in Rollerball 1975 we are right on schedule for 2018. All together apropos, prophetic, ironic and Orwellian. Now please stand for our Corporate Anthem. Jonathan E. Out.
