The Monsters Are On Maple Street U.S.A.?

Maple Street, U.S.A. Late summer. A tree-lined little world of front porch gliders, barbecues, the laughter of children, and the bell of an ice cream vendor. At the sound of the roar and the flash of light, it will be precisely 6:43 P.M. on Maple Street.

I feel safer already, Putin denied being involved in the hacking and to prove it, he has agreed to work on a cyber security plan with the US to safeguard our election process. And Trump is going along with that. So now Putin is more believable than our security agencies. Insane… - StJL
This is Maple Street on a late Saturday afternoon. Maple Street in the last calm and reflective moment - before the monsters came.

And Trump's excuse that they were wrong about WMD is BS because many disagreed with the White House but were silenced. That's not the case this time.Trump is such a patsy for someone like Putin. Tough guy he is. - StJL 
StJL you really need to find a new vocation. If your ire was was directed at how the dumbocrats lost the election we all might be better served than this incessant monologue. Seriously I hope you have audience beyond this blog here. Otherwise give us all a freckin break You are breakin my balls - Latch 
Latch – Feel free to ignore me… I wish you would, really. - StJL 
Larch, I for one appreciate STJ's commentary, and am appalled at the traitorous acts that have been committed by this administration. It is clear to me that you are just a blind GOP/Fox/Drudge fan boy, who has no interest in critical thinking or intelligent debate.  So please settle down. You are in the minority, on this board, and in this county.  - PaloT 
Lurch, you're on permanent ignore now buddy. - Jelut
All kidding aside, StJL and Latch, Again with you two.... recall this?
"Conscious ignorance which is a plague and tragedy of the commons that we suffer. Practitioners of conscious ignorance click the ignore button, because that's what an ignoramus would be expected to do.  Their ignorance is their own choice and no one else's. IMHO society as a whole has a huge problem with those who choose to be ignorant despite the best efforts of others."
Or this?   
"It's all about, if one has the ability to hear, then choose's to actually listen, then decide's to stay tuned to that frequency to receive future information. Bottom line: as Sister Mary used to say, if one doesn't listen, they can't learn…. and we leave those types, exactly where we find them."
Again one must refer to The Two General's Paradox...
Successful conveyance (viz. encryption keys) usually requires a duplex mode of communication as knowledge is not imparted by osmosis and not even the best teachers in the world are mind readers. Pressing the ignore button defeats that duplex mode.
The Nattering One muses... United we stand, divided we fall and completely related... this meme was posted with the lower half omitted. The poster captioned "Interesting."   Apparently quite a few took the post seriously. We posted...
Thanks for the LMAO,  the lower half of this meme is omitted and thus, this post is much like a National Enquirer headline that makes you laugh while standing in line at the grocery store.
The author responded in kind.... 
Thank you. Seems we have some readers here that think this is a real story when it is a JOKE. Oh the irony of it all....
We Nattered back... 
we concur and follow through...  most can't even afford to pay attention, and many who feign to, do so with a passing glance or nod of the head, sadly sacrificing comprehension and understanding. 
Unfortunately in this sound byte, elevator version world, seemingly wrought with ADD, perception is reality for many.   Those misperception's or illusory reality, often affect ignorance and divisiveness which is necessary to effect, complete control.  Irony indeed and a moment of Zen?
Again, the author responded in kind... 
not to mention the aptly blind FAKE News Police. We agree...all need to lighten up and laugh a bit. Thanks for the reach out brother. It is good to laugh once in a while...
We Nattered back.... Thanks,  these "daze", levity is a necessity and not an evil.

As for the aforementioned online kerfuffle, there is no joke or attempt at humor involved there, but only the root of all evil [later as to that].  StJL opined, Latch barked, StJL would rather Latch ignore him, Palo thinks Latch is in the "minority", Jelut puts Latch on permanent ignore.

All have validated my assertion above by falling into the very trap alluded to in bold and underlined.  With perhaps a dash of this thrown in for good measure...

In almost everything I've written there is a thread of this: man's seemingly palpable need to dislike someone other than himself. - Rod Serling
There are those who covet this gift which we take for granted, for their own.  Last week we Nattered about that in the Inheritor's....
Man looks up at the stars, and dreams his futile dreams. Child of the universe, his toys are ignorance, his games, fantasy. Not even master of his own fate, it is the Devil's Puppeteer who stretches his fingers to answer the question: What will happen next? 
Epilogue: The Inheritors are on their way. In a universe of billions of stars, there are places of love and happiness. On this Earth, in this spot, magic settled for a moment. Wonder touched a few lives, and a few odd pieces fell smoothly into the jigsaw of Creation. 
Epitaph? This third rock from the Sun is a wonderfully rare piece of RE. The clean up crew and long since gone Inheritor's are just waiting patiently, for these talking monkeys to seal their own fate. 
Are we just making the job of those coveting (quite terrestrial and human) and wishing to assert and maintain control, quite easy? We can see two figures sitting way up in a lofty perch, observing the monsters who live down on Maple Street running amuck...
Figure One: Understand the procedure now? Just stop a few of their machines and radios and telephones and lawn mowers...throw them into darkness for a few hours and then you just sit back and watch the pattern. 
Figure Two: And this pattern is always the same? 
Figure One: With few variations. They pick the most dangerous enemy they can find...and it's themselves. And all we need do is sit back...and watch.
Figure Two: Then I take it this place...this Maple not unique.
Figure One: [Shaking his head.] By no means. Their world is full of Maple Streets. And we'll go from one to the other and let them destroy themselves. One to the to the to the other-- 
At the end of the day...

The tools of conquest do not necessarily come with bombs and explosions and fallout. There are weapons that are simply thoughts, attitudes, prejudices - to be found only in the minds of men. For the record, prejudices can kill and suspicion can destroy, and a thoughtless, frightened search for a scapegoat has a fallout all of its own for the children...the children yet unborn. And the pity of it is...that these things cannot be confined to...The Twilight Zone! 
Never forget, it is not money, but conscious ignorance which is the root of all evil and all our problems, which are all man made and Out.
