Captain Trips - H5N1 Virus Spreads to Tibet

In todays Market Soapbox we mentioned "barring global pandemic" and GAIA is pissed. You can file the Captain Trips H5N1 RK7 virus under both.

At least 5,000 migratory birds have died from avian influenza at Tso-Ngon (Lake Kokonor) in the Amdo region of Tibet since early May 2005, according to the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).

These deaths include several species of migratory birds, including bar-headed geese, great black-headed gulls, brown-headed gulls, ruddy shelducks, and great cormorants.

This is the first instance of widespread deaths from avian influenza in migratory birds—rather than domestic birds—indicating that the avian influenza virus may have become more dangerous.

The Chinese government has not reported any cases of avian influenza in humans in the region.
