Today's SOOHEY, PIG, PIG!!!! and SHAME ON YOU award goes to NAM (National Association of Manufacturers) for claiming that employers are now struggling to find enough high-skilled machinists, technicians and engineers to keep production lines humming.

This despite the fact that our manufacturing base has been decimated through 3.4 million factory job layoffs due to outsourcing by NAM sponsors since 1998. The pablum being spewed by NAM Sounds alot like damage control aimed at justifying their sponsors outsourcing.

This BS song and dance sounds all too familiar. In an effort to put a spin on outsourcing and importation of cheap foreign IT professionals through H1B visas, the same propaganda has been regurgitated for years by the IT industry funded ITAA (Information Technology Association of America).

A prime example would be a recent ITAA study finding that worldwide sourcing of computer software and services continues to increase the number of U.S. jobs, and improves real wages for American workers.

Industry sponsored organizations such an NAM & ITAA are nothing more than mercenaries and propagandists. These paid liars twist statistics, logic and create a wave of propaganda to put a positive spin on their sponsors nefarious activities for coercive legislation purposes.

These publicity machines are more efficient at swaying sentiment through repetition of fabrication than Rove's Rogues and the incumbent neo-con fundamentalist Republicans are.

There have been too many lay offs and there are countless under and unemployed people in this country with more than sufficient skills. It is absurd and criminal to be crying wolf by saying there is lack of talent in the labor pool.

I have one comment: the Nazi's would have been proud of these spinsters, because they keep telling a big fat lie, over and over, and politicians and even the public are buying into it.

As for the corporate sponsors, my advice is to invest in America, hire and re-train some Americans if necessary, and above all, stop being cheap corporate profit whores. SHAME, SHAME, SHAME and SOOHEY, PIG, PIG!!!!
