A Naybob Asks

A friend and naybob in the transportation business writes...

So Mr. Naybob,

How long does it take you to update your site each day ?
How did you pick the name Naybob ?
And is that just a random photo you liked or your dad or something.

I do enjoy reading your stuff when I get the time

We appreciate your interest and answer in order...

How long? A good hour or two, but I have to read, digest, cull and sort the data from various sources anyway, so I treat it like I'm taking notes,

a community service I perform for all those in this sound byte world, that are so poor, they can't afford the time to pay attention, to the details or fine print.

Sometimes this blogging or journaling is truly annoying...

as I'm not working at some university, gov agency or investment firm and having staff do my research & editing...

I am unbiased, have no "agenda", and this is a profitless labor of love.

Title: The Nattering Naybob Chronicles... from Nixon VP Spiro T. Agnews famous "nattering nabobs of negativity" speech. If your too young, Google it...

Photo: the actor William B. Davis from the X-files, he portrayed CGB Spender, AKA the Cigarette Smoking Man,

constantly puffing on a cancer stick and on the inside of every government cover up, plot or conspiracy.

Apropo, don't you think? Colonel Nathan R. Jessup was a close 2nd, (Jack Nicholson's character in A Few Good Men)

Motto: You want the truth? You can't handle the truth...
