CSX; Eaton; Intel; State Street; Delta Air; American Air; Ebay; Yum Brands

CSX railroad in line with revenue +15%; strong pricing has offset declining freight volumes -3%; intermodal -2%; auto shipments -23% .

Eaton net earnings +35%; sales +32%; serving the auto and truck makers among other industries, also cut its full-year forecast...

saying its end-markets will have weaker growth than it had earlier expected, largely because of the impact of high oil prices.

CEO Sandy Cutler: "Our feeling is that sometime in May ... a point was hit where we saw elasticity get hit in terms of demand for fuel.

That's why we saw lower-than-we-expected shipments in automotive, truck and aerospace here during the second quarter

Intel beat the number on 25% increase in profit. However...

gross margin disappointed as higher demand for cheaper laptops led to lower average microprocessor selling prices.

State Street, one of the world's biggest institutional money managers, net income +50%; revenue +39%...

unrealized losses in its off-balance-sheet commercial paper program widened to $1.6 billion.

Delta Air reported a $1 billion loss, excluding one time charges the airline said it...

earned $137 million, revenue +10% on higher fares with -13% decline in domestic traffic.

American Airlines reported a $1.4 billion loss , excluding one time charges it earned $248 million vs $317 million a year ago. Revenue +5.1%

Ebay +22% profit, +20% revenue, but lowered Q3 estimates.

Yum Brands Q2 net income up and worldwide sales +4%; China +14%; despite US sales only +2%.
