Hold Your FNMA Fannie & FHLMC Freddie

FHLMC, U.S. #2 provider of residential mortgage funding, 4th straight quarterly loss -$821 vs +$729 million,

slashed dividend 80%; doubled provisions for loan losses to $2.5 billion;

raised its expectations for home price declines from 15% to 20%.

CEO Richard "Dick" Syron: "Today's challenging economic environment suggests that the housing market is far from stabilizing.

We now think that we are halfway through the overall peak-to-trough decline

Freddie said it will also halt the rapid growth in its $792 billion portfolio as it becomes more conservative with capital. FHLMC Stock -16%; FNMA -12% on the news.

The Nattering One muses... FHLMC capital is $2.7 billion above the mandatory target surplus down from $6 billion.

The fair market value of its assets, a measure of insolvency, declined to a negative $5.6 billion.

Pimco's Bill Gross: "By the end of the third quarter, the preferred stock in Fannie and Freddie will be issued, the Treasury will have bought it."

$20 to $30 billion worth that is. Despite statements to the contrary, insolvent Freddie needs $10 billion NOW! Two words: Get ready...

From A Nightmare On Elm Street #6 titled Freddy's Dead: The Final Nightmare...

and sung to Curtis Mayfield's 1972 Superfly Movie Track hit "Freddie's Dead"...

Freddie's Dead...
That's what I said...
The lenders misused him...
Banks ripped him off and Wall Street abused him.
