The Name of The Game VI - Redux

Pre QE and still prescient...

Perhaps it was a shock to read in Part V that the public is slowly being robbed blind by the Game and its players. A natural reaction, as most have been conditioned from birth to have “faith” in institutions and man “kind”.

This is where the rubber meets the road, you will read things you don’t want to hear, and you pretend do not exist, even rationalize and deny. If you cannot handle the truth, read no further.

The players of the game are entities that are unbounded from sovereignty or physical borders. To the players of the game, you are an economic input. In “democratic” society’s economic inputs provide four services: labor, consumption, tax paying and voting.

You really don't believe in that "by the people and for the people" fairy tale. If you do, you need to wake up, quit being naïve and get real. The guys who wrote that crap were rich property owners and slave masters who wanted nothing more than tax relief and control.

The players of the game learned the rules long ago. The 3rd rule of monetary gravity dictates profit margin and yield with the least risk is the path of least resistance. This means the game requires risk aversion for greater profit. Productive enterprise poses greater risks than profit by arbitrage. Money shuffling generates more profit with less risk.

Rather than exporting product, the players outsource labor at margin and environmental risk across borders. In the end, this greed is not good, for it leads advanced economies to become non self-sustaining; and in the long run, something far worse.

The Societal Costs

Global “free” trade has spawned border-less entities and fostered global interdependency. This I refer to as the “new world” disorder. Why? One reason is because there is no such thing as “free” trade. The 2nd rule of costs mandates this. All economic transactions have a cost, whether apparent or not. Win-Win scenarios are fairy tales for the brainwashed, naïve and wishful thinking.

A few axioms come to mind. Did you make the number? If you do, you get your bonus and stock options. And, you are only as good as your last quarter. Ultimately, the focus of the players is on instant gratification and ROI, rather than focusing on what is best for the future. Hence, in the game, societal priorities are distorted by economic considerations.

There are business costs reflected in financial statements. Then there are costs which cannot be quantified and hence the term, “you can’t put any price on it”. This is where the 2nd rule (costs) and the 4th rule (inversion); come into play.

Business costs, because of gravity, exhibit risk aversion behaviors. Because of the distortion created by economic gravity, the inverse is true for the vigorish, these are the social costs, and the path of least resistance for these costs becomes not the path of lower risk, but the path of highest risk to society.

Because of the 1st rule (greed) and 5th rule (synergism), societal priorities are shifted and capital is misappropriated. Expertise in money shuffling, athletics, entertainment and war mongering is rewarded.

Executives, entertainers, athletes and defense contractors are compensated at insane levels. The end of a civilization is always marked by three things; 1)institutional corruption; 2)entertainers and athletes receiving insane levels of compensation; 3)an erosion of human rights

Compensation, systems, institutions and infrastructure for education, science, technology and research suffer. At the same time, jobs requiring expertise in these fields are outsourced in increasing numbers to labor at the margin. Further lessening already weakened incentive for the young to pursue these paths.

And why can’t Johnny read? As the populace gets robbed blind by debauching of the currency, the elitists can afford to appease with tax “cuts”. This is like the fox guarding the hen house. The tax cuts largely benefit the rich and corporate players, with the bulk of the populace seeing very little benefit, if any.

Trickle down voodoo economics is just a euphemism for “You say its raining? Sure, if it makes you feel better about it”. This leads to a seemingly never ending number of deficits and budgetary crises, resulting in further cut backs and misappropriation of capital.

These planned and anticipated events are the endless series of imaginary hobgoblins that are necessary to menace and keep the populace alarmed, so that the government, which caused all the problems in the first place, can “manage the crises” and lead a clamorous populace to safety.

The inevitable “dumbing” down of the populace is not by accident it is by design, as the actions causing these events are premeditated. The players of the game learned long ago, an educated populace is a dangerous thing, and sheep are easily managed.
