To Misemploy Sartre Cloistered in an Air of Pomposity

Pater Tenebrarum posted: A Flawed Analysis of What Ails The Economy.  Shareholders Unite commented: "As a side note, why is the author not responding to comments to his own article?"

Kramer commented: "The artist, like the God of the creation, remains within or behind or beyond or above his handiwork, invisible, refined out of existence, indifferent, paring his fingernails. - James Joyce, A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man."

We took exception to Kramer's depiction of the author as an indifferent young man, paring his fingernails and Nattered: "These kinds of comments and riding the dog like it's a small horse are activities which are frowned upon in this establishment, and can earn you a timeout in solitary, with the dog! As you w ere."

Kramer shot back: "... and can earn you a timeout in solitary,"

"Solitary I can do. L'enfers c'est les autres. I suspect that I disagree with you on substance, but I'm not quite sure what you are saying, so I won't try to dispute it. Simple expository English might be better than the winks and nods and secret handshakes you've been offering. I save the French for one-liners."

The Nattering One unloaded: "Your response is very revealing and earns you a time out in solitary, but not with the dog for which I will explain why below. "I'm not quite sure what you are saying, so I won't try to dispute it." That was a joke taken from the Etrade "talking baby trader" series where the lip synching kid gets a time out in the nursery crib "solitary" with the dog nearby. Your supposed to laugh, oh well.

"Solitary I can do. L'enfers c'est les autres.... Simple expository English might be better than the winks and nods and secret handshakes you've been offering. I save the French for one-liners.

Really? Alrighty then, we will give you the Burger King treatment, as in "have it your way". You would do well to stick with simple expository English, and forget your so called "French", as your mis-interpretation of Sartre cannot be saved and is beyond redemption. Now, so you don't go to solitary empty handed, rather than offer a secret handshake, I have some much needed schooling to offer you as follows.

"L'enfers c'est les autres" is an oft misquoted line from Jean-Paul Sartre's play, Huis Clos, translated "shut door" or No Exit. Your usage infers that you could do solitary because literally translated "L'enfers c'est les autres" reads "Hell is [the] others" or "Hell is other people" and that is where you, like so many before you, go astray.

The concept that our self knowledge as a product of the way we see ourselves in "the others", or that which is not ourselves, can be a source of our distress, is a fundamental principle of Sartre's philosophy. Let me use expository English...

And this will be one of two times that I use French here... "Hell is [the] others"  Orence!! Au contraire! That is exactly what Sartre does not say, as a character in the play says it, because he refuses to see that he alone is responsible for his own behavior, which ultimately landed him in hell.

The characters are in hell because they are trivial, pretentious people who blame everything and everyone in the world for their petty problems. This is part of Sartre’s satiric point, the characters themselves made the decisions that put them there and in blaming “other people” or "the others" the characters in the play are pointing fingers in the wrong direction.

Sartre uses the idea of "no mirrors in hell" to great ends. In order to see themselves from the outside, these petty characters have to rely on the way that "the others" see them. In this way Sartre says, when we refuse to take responsibility for our own actions, we construct a hell for ourselves which leaves us at the mercy of the opinions of "the others".

So, I will request that there are no mirrors waiting in your solitary, as that would make for a very difficult stretch with "the other" for you. As for the dog, sorry, the ASPCA prohibits cruelty.

By the way, it wasn't your usage of "L'enfers c'est les autres", it was your misinterpretation combined with your simple expository English. Hey old buddy, old pal, wink, nod, nudge, secret salute, got any good one liners now?

A bientot"

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