The Boys Are Back In Town

On Mercenary Traders, A New Kind Of Feudalism As Western Workers Lose Ground, Tin Lizzy commented: 

"You guys are bickering about whether kids can be bothered to become machinists, or whether it is even worthwhile. But what if it is not even an option? Has it occurred to you that children leave high school these days with insufficient basic math skills to even try to become a machinist? Maybe that is the real problem. The fact that our 'modern' education system has taken that choice away from the vast majority of high school graduates. Americans are becoming increasingly innumerate. That will generate a lot of 'serfs'.,"

We Nattered:

Prop 13 1978 California, a wolf in sheep's clothing, the beginning of the end. Well intended and sold to the public as the last line of defense for the John Q. Public, home owner.  Wrought with fine print loopholes for the corporations and trusts to NOT pay ANY property tax, let alone their fair share, on their holdings, in perpetuity, which still constitute the majority of land in California.

As a result, the burden of support shifted and in short order, a dearth of funding led one of the WORLD'S leading public educational systems (K - Community College) into a drought of intellect.  All the while the divisive and polarizing anti union chantings of excessive teacher compensation garnered gleeful acceptance with the "hook in mouth" press and public.

As the learned mechanic used to advise in the Fram oil filter commercial:  "You can pay me now (a $5 filter), or pay me later (a whole new engine, $5K)."

How apropos and deserving for those who CHOOSE to "kick the can" down the road to future generations.   As the grand "dumbing down" has now come home to roost and is paying dividends in spades with a resultant innumerate, illiterate and almost idiotic populace that is incapable of thinking for itself.  

If the apathetic collective does not step up, take ownership and turn this situation around soon, get ready for the "Silence of the Lambs". Remember, stupid people, like sheep are easier to lead... to slaughter.

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."  - George Santayana
