A Ticket To Ride?

Following up on Believe It Or Not? 
"If you do the math, you will soon get to the point where you have to recognize the probability of living in a real world is very slim because it is simply dwarfed by the number of existing simulations.
From this point of view, it is more likely that our world is 20 levels deep in a vicious simulation cycle than it being the original world.
The first time I heard this argument I got scared because the thought of living in a virtual universe is kinda…scary. However, here is the good thing: It doesn’t matter, and I’ll tell you why."We Might Live in A Virtual Universe - But It Doesn't Really Matter

Submitted for your approval... a civilization which manages to go from cave dwelling apes, cowering in ignorance while wondering where the sun goes at night, to talking chimps basking in the sun with integrated computers on a chip in just under 200K years.  

For our purposes, imagine if you will... these talking monkeys somehow manage to survive man's seemingly palpable need to dislike someone other than himself; aka their apocalyptic idiocy, which walks hand in hand with their wisdom; and natural cataclysm for another 800K years or so.... 

Following Moore's Law, in that futuristic "here and now" these beings can not only sim a universe, but digitize and dump their cranial contents and supposed divine essence into it.  After eons, robots perform the tedious physical tasks, while these ethereal beings, long for the days of yore and covet that lost carnal experience. 

And then there was light, in the form of "On Earth" a virtual ride in which many souls get their turn in the old barrel of monkeys, so to speak. Too good to be true? The devil's in the details and as always, there's a small one printed on the back of this ticket to ride. 

This rides management points to an oft overlooked clause in the fine print. Prior to each ride, a memory wipe is prerequisite, and point in fact, right to service, satisfaction and repeat rides, willing or otherwise, are not guaranteed. 

On this ride of a lifetime, you get what you give, and in the end, what goes around comes around, but not necessarily on the same ride. So be advised, unlike financial advice, past performance is a guarantee of future results. 

Step right up and get your E ticket ride into a bizarro world which is a non stop learning experience, all out adventure, and ever constant test, all rolled into one. A heavenly ride through a futuristic "cloud" for some, an eternal ride through hell "on earth" for others. 

And now a word from our sponsors...

It is difficult to produce a television documentary that is both incisive and probing when every 12 minutes one is interrupted by 12 dancing rabbits singing about toilet paper.

We’re developing a new citizenry. One that will be very selective about cereals and automobiles, but won’t be able to think.” - Rod Serling


We hope you've enjoyed tonight's offering. The place is here, the time is now, and for those fortunate enough to possess that ticket to ride or be "On Earth" so to speak, be forewarned... 

This ride is not for the faint of heart and the ever peculiar management reserves the right to refuse or revoke service at any time. As said service is not a right but a privilege not to be taken lightly, please do give pause to consider what your going to do with your ticket to ride and how you treat your fellow riders along the way.

A follow up in spirit can be found at Fermi's Paradox? 


Lao said…
This is too expensive simulation to be just a game. The purpose must be to solve some problem in the future.