You Want The Truth?

A comment at The President's Analyst:
"One of the best articles I have read on SA in months! Read through all the comments, and the consistent thing about the Trump supporters is, that they don't generally offer a factual rebuttal. 
When they do, the attempt is to disparage the source. Kind of amazing and encouraging, to know your opposition does not have facts, law, science, history, logic, etc. to substantiate their claims. The emperor has no clothes." - DBS 
As we hold all political parties along with executive, legislative and judicial branches in equal contempt, we are a non partisan, equal opportunity annoyer. We Nattered... 

Thank you for the kind words, vitriolic ad hominem is expected from the phobic, closed minded, disingenuous, and self serving who do not seek the whole truth. Truth selectively used, is truth selectively abused.

Some seek truth, some seek peace, those who hate, seek hatred.  Although our understanding may evolve, the truth is constant and does not change.  We are all in this together, and must remain ever vigilant of those who would attempt to deceive us and take our freedoms.
