Shades of Watergate?

Once again, not to be mistaken for Tuesday's With Morrie, it's time for Tuesdays With Trump...

Over at a financial forum...
"To say Trump suddenly fired Comey because he wasn't nice to Hillary is completely ridiculous but even more ridiculous is how many of the WSJ's readers will see that and think that's a perfectly reasonable explanation for a guy who's under investigation by the FBI and wants to put in a crony who will rubber-stamp a lax investigation." - P
On April 6th when Nunes stepped aside from the House Russian salad dressing investigation we Nattered…
Nunes – shades of Cox, Richardson, Ruckelshaus and Jaworski.
Now we elucidate for those who forget or are too young to remember.. AKA the Saturday Night Massacre, in which Nixon's orders to fire independent special prosecutor Archibald Cox, led to the resignations of Attorney General Elliot Richardson and Deputy Attorney General William Ruckelshaus on October 20, 1973, and the subsequent appointment of Leon Jaworski, as special prosecutor during the Watergate scandal. 

This is nothing more than history repeating itself.  At the end of the day, Trump might make Nixon look like a walk in the park as this administration could go down in infamy as the worst in history. Albeit, Trump and his administration are working hard at one thing… 

Making Shrub actually seem intelligent and look good. Even Democrats are yearning for the good old daze with that dipstick at the helm of the good ship lollipop.  At least Trump will get high ratings for one thing, as a very high Nielsen should be garnered by any investigative or impeachment hearings, and Out.
