Rockin In The Free World?

Once again, not to be mistaken for Tuesday's With Morrie, it's Tuesdays With Trump...

Following up on 4th of July: Carrying On A Tradition? viz. most bombs dropped - since the Vietnam conflict.
"This estimate is undoubtedly low, considering reliable data is only available for airstrikes in Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia, and Libya, and a single "strike," according to the Pentagon’s definition, can involve multiple bombs or munitions."  - Council on Foreign Relations
Obama 10X on drone strikes - a total of 563 strikes targeted Pakistan, Somalia and Yemen during Obama’s two terms, compared to 57 strikes under Bush.

USAA bombs dropped in 2016, 26,172; 2015 23,144 as many sorties and bomb droppings have gone unreported.  The U.S. led effort dropped 20K bombs and missiles in Obamas 1st term on Afghanistan alone. Summaries for all months since 2012: USAF Central Command.

In his 2nd term, they dropped 4X that number, bringing the total for Obama’s presidency to over 100K bombs and missiles striking 7 countries, surpassing the 70K and 5 countries by the illiterati Shrub Jr.

A comparison: World War 2 with 61 nations involved, est. USAA dropped 1.5M tons in ETO on 1.8M sorties. Ranging from 100 to 2000# with 30% of those being 500#, we dropped circa 12M bombs.

Indeed, Obama's post Vietnam record is dwarfed by FDR, Truman (nuked Japan, twice), Eisenhower, Kennedy and Johnson. 

However, the number of bombs dropped is actually meaningless to quantify or convey the scope of these actions.  With new technology we have become much more efficient in our killing methods as US War and Proxy Conflicts = est. responsible for 20M Deaths in 37 Nations since WW2.

Meanwhile, back in Troy, AL where the hellfire plant is getting expanded, due to robust sales and increased budgets and bombings, the President of the Chamber of Commerce brags "Look at our downtown, almost all the stores are open and we have more coming in." 

A booming cottage industry, so to speak.  Like Obama, Trump needs to drop bombs faster than we can make them. Gives new meaning to the humanitarian phrase: give without remembering, receive without forgetting.  What's good for Lockheed is good for US in keeping a kinder, gentler machine gun hand and Out.
