Carbon Capture and a Warming Plate?

After a brief respite, once again, not to be mistaken for Tuesday's With Morrie, it's Tuesdays With Trump... 

Not wholly unrelated to Aramco IPO?...  On Aug 4th, 2017 the Trump administration officially told the UN that the US intends to pull out of the 2015 Paris climate pact.

Over at a financial forum...

Gin – "While I beleive that the earth cools and warms regualrly, I do not see any connection between temps and man other than causal correlation which says its happening, so whats different? " 
The first part is correct, cyclical warming and cooling since the planet formed an eco system under its atmosphere.  The second part, so wrong in so many ways.

You want to see your potential future, then look at your past. 250M years ago (end Permian) a volcanic event (the Siberian Traps) added circa 100K billion tons of CO2 to the atmosphere. What happened? The greatest mass extinction event in history.

75% of land species and 96% of ocean species families went extinct. Contrary to bad science, CO2 rarely hits a "saturation" point, ask a Venusian. 

BDC - 1) CO2 is a non condensable gas
2) It's accumulating in the atmosphere, 250 ppm background now at 408.
3) it has an absorption signature in the IR spectra
the rest is bullshit. This is everything you need to know.
P - Non-condsenable/BDC – Well, if you want to be nit-picky about it, the CO2 itself doesn't cause the warming, the water vapor does but the addition of CO2 in the atmosphere increases the density of the water vapor (because it's non-condensable) and that, in turn, causes warming which then causes more water to vaporize which causes a feedback loop that leads to Venus.  
Depending on climate and salinity, CO2 is absorbed into the water, raising the Ph.  Try that in your fish tank, see what happens, a lot of Goldie flushing down the toilet.

When CO2 runs rampant, not toxic levels, just enough to add to the natural eco-cycle and cause an exponential increase, temperatures can climb past the point where plant life can germinate and photosynthesize light into energy.

Did I mention plant life was devastated? With a mass extinction of forests, mass erosion occurred and for 10M years afterwards there was no coal formation, this explains the "Coal Gap".  

No worries there, no plants, no animals, no food, no talking monkeys. Does anyone still wonder if there is a connection between the CO2 level and the mass extinctions? If you do, denser than Osmium comes to mind.  

The talking monkeys have spewed enough additional CO2 into the atmosphere, to keep this baby cookin for quite awhile.

If one wants to educate themselves, try 10,000 hours (recommended paper trading) and start here: Carbon Capture and Storage Association;  Stanford Woods and anything Klaus Lackner puts his name on.

Check these out because your going to need them: Carbon Engineering; Climeworks; Global Thermostat; and The Rocky Mountain Institute.  

One might want to invest in those CO2 extraction or carbon capture and storage technologies, and in a really big way and fast.

If something is not reversed soon, and in a very fast way, this is a fait accompli.  Worry not, when the virus known as man has eradicated itself, the clean up crew arrives to prep for the new tenants or the Inheritor's. 

Freakin prime directive BS, patience is a virtue, clocks tickin on the chimps and Out.
