Tesla or Musk's Clock Is Ticking?

If you don't already know this one...

A person passed away and gets to the Pearly Gates, where he is met by an Archangel.

He is let in and immediately notices a HUGE wall of clocks (think Game of Thrones Ice wall like in magnitude).

The person asks the Angel: "What are those clocks for?"

Angel: "Those are patented Lie Detecting Clocks - each person, dead or alive is assigned a clock and the clock's hands move ONLY when a person tells a lie"

Person: "Whose clock is this one? It stands at 12 sharp"

Angel: "This is Mother Theresa's clock, it never ever moved because she never told a lie!"

Person: "And this one? It shows 12:02"

Angel: "This one is George Washington's Clock - he only lied twice in his life!"

Person: "Wow, Angel, that is fascinating, can you show me Elon Musk's clock? I was so into TSLA (Before I died of old age waiting for it to be profitable..), where is it on the wall?"

Angel: "Son, Ol' Muskie's clock is not on this wall, I keep it on my desk in my office"

Person: "Why?"

Angel: "It works great, as a fan."

Worthy of one of these...

Credit goes to NYer in this comment at Teva: Fiddler Made A Goof? 
