More Classic Bias?

Following up on A Classic Bias? where in response to our Nattering regarding Saddam being dug up with only 7500 pictures of Ben Franklin in his bunker, viz. USD ubiquity and hegemony; an either ignorant, improperly schooled or green and freshly scrubbed CFA potentate commented... 
"Well that proves it... classic U.S. bias."
More Nattering... I always figured Saddam rolled that way. What is called "moneyness" or liquidity preference you mis-interpret as bias. 

That's an interesting observation from a fiduciary advisory standpoint, which we can only hope isn't the case here, at least from the perspective of any clients you may have.  I guess age has nothing to do with it...

Unlike the previous commentator who came off as an old snarky know it all, forget your indoctrination, whatever programming method has been applied to your mind, then open it to read, reflect and learn...

What that previous commentator suffers from and might have gone viral in your case... Illusory superiority or bias, keeps one from knowing when they are out of their element. Bias which feeds the ego, is the fact that few are pleased to hear their beliefs, based upon their knowledge or experience, are possibly outdated or incorrect.

Specific to our discussion of your "worldly" comment... with 84% of global transactions using USD denomination, then it's the grease that makes the global gears turn. I'm sure your opine would get great traction telling those involved that they are biased. Not.

Ubiquity aside, hence the word hegemony, as in forced, not biased. Although the former can be detrimental, the latter is a matter of choice which is always detrimental.

At the end of the day, bias is a self induced bubble of deception or delusional thinking, which ultimately leads to a failure in seeking out higher wisdom, insight and advice. We all know where that leads, a perpetual loop of errors, many identical. Hence history repeats itself.

At the end of the day, what I know is next to nothing, what I do not know, is immense. Utes? I don't know, but I'll tell ya... A mind is a terrible thing to waste, and a closed mind is quite useless, as it cannot be taught.  So keep an open mind and try not to fall into any ditches or drag your clientele's money into any.
