Manufacturing Consent?

Once again, not to be mistaken for Tuesday's With Morrie, it's Tuesdays With Trump... 
"over the last eight months the labor force has shrunk by proportion of the population again even as the unemployment rate falls to levels not seen since the dot-com era - the unemployment rate drops because nobody is joining the labor force."
The Unemployment Rate Is Useless, But That Doesn’t Mean It Isn’t Useful - Jeffrey Snider

Nattering - Stagnant wages tell the story, the truth is there never was any recovery.
"It was that voice given to the "not in the labor force" American which I believe put him [POTUS Trump] over the top in the first place."
Nattering - Indeed, the disaffected bought the story hook, line and sinker. They swallowed so deep, you have to gut em to get it out. Meanwhile, the electorate as a whole suffer a mass delusion.

They never learn do they?  The electorates "choices" offered by the system, and consciously made during the process, are as pathetic as their agency or lack thereof. Its a grand illusion, same as it ever was.

Mr. Bloom - The extent to which people continue to vote against their own best interest is truly mind boggling. It's "manufacturing consent" in plain view. Perhaps that's where all the manufacturing jobs went...

Nattering - Good one, now that's what we call new age labor force utilization for maximum effect. Meet the new boss, same as the old boss, won't get fooled again?
