How Trump Won The White House?

[Some believe] By not allowing an opinion to be aired that somehow that eradicates the opinion. It doesn't, it merely suppresses it and that breeds resentment...

Once again, not to be mistaken for Tuesday's With Morrie, it's Tuesdays With Trump... 

Following up on The Extinction Rebellion?  Regardless of your political leanings, whether you're blue, red, or just fed up with politicians, the MSM and their BS...

This week Pie's Fake News Tour 2019 takes a more sedate and serious look at How and Why POTUS 45 won the White House.  

The Nattering One finds Jonathan Pie's - How Trump Won The White House? to be spot on.  Enjoy.

FYI - Jonathan Pie is a fictitious left wing British news reporter, created and played by British actor and comedian Tom Walker who co-writes the character with comedian and journalist Andrew Doyle.
