Can A Yakass Spare Some Climate Change?

Officials Sunday said that at least 300 yaks starved to death in a remote Himalayan valley after a bout of unusually harsh winter weather.  Once again, not to be mistaken for Tuesday's With Morrie, it's Tuesdays With Trump... 

Following up on The Rise Of The Right?  Regardless of your political leanings, whether you're blue, red, or just fed up with politicians, the MSM and their BS...

Yakass- A person who is poking along in traffic or driving erratically because he/she is yaking on their cell phone. - Urban Dictionary
The above definition could also be applied to individuals: that have an ass the size of a Yak? Or just act like a jack ass? Or who act and think erratically, because they are too busy tweeting on their phone?  Back to the Himalayas...
"The local families say that 500 yaks have died because of starvation. We are trying to confirm that." A few yaks die because of extreme conditions in the region each year, but the authorities say that this year's toll is unprecedented. "The weather was too harsh. One heavy spell of snowfall in December was followed by even more snowfall and even the grass didn't grow. They died because of both cold and starvation." - Economic Times India
Whether your a yak lover, or climate change denying whack job or not... In January, as the polar vortex brought record breaking cold temperatures to the Midwest, the anti-global climate change science POTUS busily tweeted...
Wow, what a total Yakass? NOAA's brilliant response...
Huge DUH!! Which even a Yak could, but Yakass could not understand?
