Insider Selling

Insider buying hits 12 year low....What are the fat cats and muckety mucks doing? Insider purchasing totaled just $34.1 million in January, a drop of nearly two-thirds from the $95 million spent on purchases in December. The drop put insider buying at its lowest level since July 1993, when insiders spent $26.3 million on purchases.

In 2004, and in particular toward the end of the year 'Insiders' (corporate executives, directors, etc) stepped up their stock sales. In 2004, insider selling rose by 20% to US$ 51.3 billion whereas insider buying rose by 13% to just US$ 2.11 billion!

$51 Billion SOLD vs.$2 Billion PURCHASED= 25 to 1 SELLING ratio

Insider selling was at its highest since 2000, when insiders sold US$ 80 billion worth of shares.
This begs the question:If these stocks are such a good value, then why aren't Microsoft, Oracle, Cisco, Intel and Google executives and insiders just hanging on to them? Maybe they know something we don't? Instead, they can't dump their stock options fast enough. Makes one wonder....
