Round-o-blog or Blog-o-thon 11/06/05

Barry Ritholtz has a great column at The Street on Stop-Loss Breakdown. Barry follows up on his blog The Big Picture.

I agree with Barry and add, this is the single most important aspect of investing that is often criminally overlooked, especially by licensed and supposed professional CFP's. Its almost criminal how they can let your portfolio sink down the toilet instead of using a sensible stop loss strategy.

Kash at Angry Bear has cogent comments on CIAgate or PlameGate in
Is Fitzmas Over? Tis da season and we hope its a long winter this year.

Calculated Risk weighs in on
GDP and Housing at Angry Bear. And it is very apparent we will be headed for some tough times with a deflation in the housing sector.

Brad Setzer comments on
Balance of Payments Math and Chinese Banking. Read it as this is something we will touch on this week.

Dr. Marc Faber examines GDP, Housing & Credit and examines why the Fed will have to
crank up the printing press and lead us to a recession characterized by consumer price inflation, a debauching of the dollar and a deflation of the bond market.

Jacob at Inflation: Everyone's Illusion of Wealth muses
What if we were in a recession and nobody noticed? "If real PCE falls in October it will be the third straight month of real PCE shrinkage. The last time this happened was the 1991 recession." Looks like someone figured it out finally, way to go Jacob.

Dave Altig at Macroblog comments on
declining PCE and hoping not to concur with Dr. Marc Faber "yet"; Mr. Altig throws his 2 cents in on the S word - STAGFLATION.

Mish weighs in on the
end of the housing tea party in Boston and some additional anecdotal evidence from a national mortgage broker of the housing markets imminent slide.

Ben Jones
Housing Bubble makes him the king of the housing blogs. Ben also has a foreclosure blog and his site has some gems, one points out that foreclosure rates in Massachusetts are surging.

Oligopoly Watch points out a bad sign
M&A is at 2000 levels, while Steve Hsu's Information Processing points out a good sign, maybe we can see a black hole?
