McDonalds; Wendy's; Wachovia & Wells Fargo

Happy Cows blame it on the locusts or.... Global Warming and SubPrime....

colder weather and less money for consumers to spend conspire to drive down burger sales...

McDonald's, the world's largest restaurant company, reported that December's U.S. same store sales were unchanged, the worst monthly performance in almost five years.

Wendy's, said Q4 profit rose less than analysts estimated as same store sales dropped (-0.8%), for the 1st time in seven quarters.

Shares punked 5% today; 28% in the last year.

Wach(ed) Down the Well(s)...

Yesterday, two of our Dead Pool favorites, Wells Fargo & Wachovia were downgraded to SELL by Merrill Lynch.

California home markets are weakening more than expected and bad loans will continue to hurt profit at Wells (#2 home lender) and Wachovia (#4 US bank).

Wells stock -6.7% and Wachovia -8.3% on the news. The Nattering One recommends to keep shorting these dogs...

as their book cooking and greedy REO mis-management cannot fabricate enough lies to hide the stocks true downside risk.

MSN Jim Jubak: The Fed Isn't Fooling Anyone...

"The central bank's interest-rate cuts may be a quick fix for 2008, but they'll create a massive inflationary push in 2009, leading us right back into another boom-bust cycle.

...headline inflation, which includes energy and food prices, hit a 17-year high in 2007 as the Consumer Price Index climbed 4.1%

The Nattering One muses...

As we have empirically demonstrated in these pages, for the true stagflation number just insert a 1 in front of the headline number...

rising commodities stagflation due to further fed rate cuts will not help matters,

so the dollar should stabilize because our trading partners will be forced to support it.

Todays services report evidences everything we've been saying all along about the emasculation of this economy...

outsourced to labor at the margin and reduced to housing; non durable finance, hospitality and service based activity.

Better hope theres a sudden resurgence in good paying jobs because...

excepting a massive deflation or return to sanity in asset prices, there is NOTHING that anyone can do to stop this train wreck in progress.

The media "shock and awe" about the services slump and the markets "knee jerk" reaction has us mystified...

did anyone really think Fed cuts would save the day?? Get real, just starting our journey to the dark side, are we.
