A Monkey In A Suit

The Nattering One muses...

If the Govenator thinks that $9 billion in additional slot machine Indian gaming revenue will save his current $14 billion budget deficit...

(wasn't a $14 billion deficit the reason Gray Davis got recalled and Arnold got elected?)

he better wake up and legalize more gambling, marijuana and prostitution,

cuz things are about to get very ugly, and taxes are going to skyrocket in Kalifornia.

Taxpayers will not only have to foot the bill for the bogus "economic stimulus plan"...

which will result in a massive fall out with FHA, FHMA & FHLMC bailing out the lenders, flippers & Wall Street...

The budget deficits will only worsen as the service sector rolls over to play dead right next to John Q Public, the consumer.

Taxpayers will also foot the bill for the municipal bond market crash with higher interest rates...

(again due to Wall Street shenanigans) on public works and budget deficits.

Once again, you can thank the greedy friends of Osama Bin Bush and Hank Paulson

for the increase in risk premiums, energy costs, the decrease in your dollar and the stagflated economic malaise.

Like we keep saying, cut all you want, its a fait accompli, a train wreck in progress, just grab some popcorn, sit down and watch the horror show.

This full blown Greek tradegy will be well worth the price of admission and FYI, Obama, Billary, McCain, who cares?

Bend over and get ready for more of the same... Meet the new boss, same as the old boss... all bought and paid for prostitutes.

An improvement over the incumbent? A monkey in a suit would be an improvement, as the monkey can't say stupid things, and it can at least think and feel.
