Target Offloads Debt; Vallejo Defers Bankruptcy; Rising Taxes

Cash flow or default problem? ... Target, #2 U.S. discount retailer,

said it's in talks with an investment partner to sell about half of its $8.3 billion credit-card loans for $4 billion.

Vallejo on the Verge... Vallejo, California's city council approved a fiscal emergency plan on March 4 to avoid filing for bankruptcy protection.

The Nattering One muses... we've Nattered before about state, county & city budget deficits and the potential...

for current day muncipal BK's to make the 1998 LTCM, Orange County BK debacle, look like a pimple on the ass of a worthog.

We guarantee higher taxes to come.

Fifty percent in shortfall... At least 25 states face a total budget shortfall of at least $37 billion in 2009.

Most have already drawn down available reserves, so they can either cut expenditures, or they can raise taxes.

With falling property tax revenues, most counties & municipalities will be forced to reduce expenditures on schools, public safety, and other services.
