It's Getting Better All The Time II

To be filed under It's Getting Better...

In 2007 we reduxed our It's Getting Better? II, III, IV, V Series from 2005 in It's Getting Better All the Time.

Some validation of our thoughts from USA Today and the Economic Mobility Project...

Gen Xers also face this harsh reality: The standard of living that most of them have so far managed to achieve falls short of their own parents' standard at the same age.

Relying on government figures, health insurance soared 74%, in inflation-adjusted dollars,

since 1970 and that the mortgage payment that a median-income family is paying for a three-bedroom, one-bath house jumped 76%.

On an inflation-adjusted basis, the average cost of owning a car has declined from a generation ago.

But auto-related expenses jumped 52% because the typical family now owns at least two vehicles.

The median income for men now in their 30s, when adjusted for inflation, is 12% lower than what their dads earned three decades earlier,

a report by the Economic Mobility Project, an initiative of The Pew Charitable Trusts, concluded.

The mobility project found that from 1974, when many Gen Xers were children, until 2004, when most were in the workforce, family income rose only 9%.

And most of that gain came from 1964 to 1994 — before the Gen Xers even started thinking about résumés

The Nattering One muses... and with BOTH parents working, income rose ONLY 9% in 30 years with a 12% LOSS in real earnings.

Empirically proving that we are systematically getting robbed blind, and ANYONE who claims we are better off today...

and the central bank is just "doing their job" by debauching our fiat currency, is either a paid liar, a fool, or both.
