Globalism Starves 240 Million

Free-trade policies long advanced by World Bank President Robert Zoellick and George W. Shrub Jr. are losing favor

as countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America find they can't buy enough food to feed their people.

Global food prices have spiked 60% since the beginning of 2007, sparking riots in more than 30 countries that depend on imported food, including Cameroon and Egypt.

The surge in prices threatens to push the number of malnourished people in the world from 860 million to almost 1 billion, according to the World Food Programme in Rome.

Leaders of developing nations including the Philippines, Gambia and El Salvador now say the only way to nourish their people

is to grow more food themselves rather than rely on cheap imports.

David Orden, a fellow at the International Food Policy Research Institute:

"The idea of trade liberalization was that you could count on global markets, but they're not proving reliable."

Bakary Trawally, permanent secretary of Gambia's Department of State for Agriculture:

"There is no security if your food basket is coming from another country. If they close it off, like Thailand did, you would be in trouble."

The Nattering One muses.. we have gone on record with our disdain regarding the global blight and new world disorder...

Quaintly referred to by academia with a "pablum for the masses" term; and nothing more than a euphemism for corporate rape and pillage; globalism.

This years toll a 33% increase or another 240 million starving people...

when will people wake up, unionize and forcefully rebel in solidarity against this corporate "anti christ" wrapped in an innocent child's swadling cloth?

We beg the question again, what will happen when the global supply chain breaks down?

For certain, in our lifetime, when it does; we will witness chaos on a grand scale heretofor unseen.

Economic self sufficiency is the path to survival, all other ideologies and their followers will be laid to waste.

Hattip to Bloomberg
