What's New IndyMac?

Sung to Tom Jones, What's New Pussycat? and soon to be the sing along song on the REO tour bus...

What's new IndyMac? CEO, CEO
What's new IndyMac? REO, REO
IndyMac, Indymac
Perry and Mozilo got foreclosed homes
And lots of overappraised Alt A loans
To originate with you.
So go and powder your cute little IndyMac REO's!
IndyMac, IndyMac
I love you
Yes, I do!
You and your IndyMac liar loans!
What's new IndyMac? REO, REO
What's new IndyMac? CEO, CEO
IndyMac, IndyMac
You're stock dive and depositor run was thrilling
And FDIC is so willing
To seize you.
So go and make up your cute little IndyMac mortgage backed bonds!
IndyMac, IndyMac
I love you
Yes, I do!
You and your AAA rated IndyMac mortgage backed bonds!
What's new IndyMac? REO, REO
What's new IndyMac? CEO, CEO
IndyMac, IndyMac
You're profits were delicious
And if CEO Mozilo and Perry's wishes
Can all come true
I'll soon be kissing your sweet little penny stock pink slips!
IndyMac, IndyMac
I love you
Yes, I do!
You and your shorted IndyMac pink slips!
You and your IndyMac lies!
You and your IndyMac REO's
