Dr. Judah Disraeli - If It's Monday, This Must Be Armenia

The latest from our guest blogger Dr. Judah Disraeli, who at the moment is our correspondent in the Caucasus...

Nattering One,

I trust that all is well. Your dire econ predictions were prescient.

Judah is on sabbatical to Armenia. He now writes under the name Yurman N. Yerevan. He wrote this today...

I got a cab ride this morning from a Roosian cabbie. I picked him at Sakharov Square. It ain' a square. It is a traffic circle.

But it ain't really a traffic circle either. It has no geometic properties.

It is an accident happening every minute zone. It is also where you go to get a Roosian cab.

The Roosian cabbies are heavily tattooed. They smoke lots of cheap cigarettes. They are always listening to Roosian martial music.

They pee on the bust of Andrei Sakharov that sits in the middle of the square/circle/whatever.

My wonderful wife barked our destintion to the Roosian in her heavily accented Roosian.

As Ivan careened dangerously through traffic in his incomprehensible Volga, his break pedal fell off. Dismissing it with a rude gesture, he turned fully around.

Facing the backseat with the car careening down the road with the break pedal now in his hand, he began arguing with me and my wonderful wife about US policy in Georgia.

"You Americans are cowboys and what you are doing is dangerous."

Waiving the break pedal in his hand, he told us that "you Americans have no right to risk other peoples lives!"

I told him, and my wonderful wife translated, that I could see his point. It hadn't occurred to me before we got into his cab and that I would immediately change US policy.

The Roosian calmed downed a bit, turned facing the front of his car, then accidentally dropped the break pedal out the window.

Fortunate for us, the transmission fell out of the car at just about the same time and the car stopped safely in front of our destination.

Armenia can be a bit of a challenge.

This email may be monitored for quality control and training purposes by Roossian intelligence.

Live life. Laugh too much. Marry someone who makes life an adventure.

Yurman N. Yerevan
Glendale on the Caucuses
An Entroy Organization Production

The Nattering One muses... somehow we sense this isn't the last to be heard from our man in Yerevan.
