Reticent Rogue - Part III

Continuing from Part 2 - The Nattering One muses... one last swift kick before we deservedly toss this religious troll to the lions...

As we stated before... "We do believe in one thing, the church should be taxed, just like all other business.

Religion is the only thing that keeps the poor from killing the rich"

The Rogues atom argument is very flawed on many different levels and is blind rationale to justify superstitious, faith based logic.

Furthermore, the evidence is compelling that most, if not all religions...

are out to make a buck off of people's ignorance and unfortunate circumstances, as are many politicians and corporations.

Hence the alignment of the rich controlling classes, church, business and state.

As to the rogues statement: "All your pedanticisms"

Jean Jacques Rousseau, whose political philosophy influenced the French Revolution and the development of modern political and educational thought...

and whose novel, Emile: or, On Education, is a seminal treatise on the education of the whole person for citizenship, points out...

Falsehood has an infinity of combinations, but truth has only one mode of being.”

I'll take pedanticisms over blind, ignorant faith any day.

Government tolerates religion so well, because religion fundamentally breeds ignorance to human rights...

while encouraging the masses to humbly accept the social economic abuse heaped on them by the ultra wealthy who own the church, corporations and government.

Your reward for accepting the "be humble" lie? You get paradise in the afterlife, he-he-he, which never comes.

Fittingly the ultimate joke is on the believers of this fairy tale. As we have Nattered many a time before...

We gave up on the tooth fairy, Easter bunny and Santa Claus, a long time ago.

Having grown up a free thinker, we have also let go of the invisible omnipotent man in the sky as well.

The bottom line: a new and more equitable Social Contract is needed.

More to come in Part 4
