All Glory Is Fleeting

Over at David Stockman's Six Years of Bull Market Bull, triesnottobebroke commented:

"So younger people should pay more for capital because you couldn't save enough for retirement as part of the richest cohort in the history of the world? Cry me a river, and spare me the financial lessons if you can't afford to live off what YOU have earned."

The Nattering One mused... A screen name befitting, you may not be broke, but are obviously morally bankrupt. This is for those you callously categorize, and those whom you exclude, especially today's generation...

Those you callously categorize worked their ass off, they earned, at the going rate, at the time, now perhaps on fixed income, perhaps inflated out by property taxes and the central bankers, in any event, only to be screwed by the house of finance? and to line the pockets of the bankers and rich?

Now for today's generation, especially those with a mortgage and a car loan... if present conditions are allowed to continue, you will be permanent debt slaves and sharecroppers, and so screwed regardless of how much you made during your lifetime. Because the same game is being run on you.

I know what your thinking, you got to ask yourself one question... do you feel lucky?

What will you do when some assclown flouts their youthful ignorance and asshattery by stating "Cry me a river, and spare me the financial lessons if you can't afford to live off what YOU have earned."

With comments like that, you have deservedly earned this level of respect and treatment....

While basking in the temporary glory of your youth, take this advice as it would serve you well to learn some humility.... 

"For over a thousand years, Roman conquerors returning from the wars enjoyed the honor of a triumph, a tumultuous parade. A slave stood behind the conqueror, holding a golden crown, and whispering in his ear a warning: that all glory is fleeting."
