Peak What? Hubbert's Nobel Prize Part 2

The conclusion from Peak What? Hubbert's Nobel Prize Part 1....

I do not believe in peak anything as to date, the demise of mankind is grossly overestimated.  Peak oil fosters a defeatist attitude which is doom and gloom, pessimistic, end days, alarmist, or Malthusian in the extreme.

King Hubbert's theory is an argument in support of a misperception. The misperception is one of supposed scarcity because there are too many unknowns to prove any factual scarcity. Scarcity and the fear of it, whether factual or supposed, is what creates market fear and profits. Vis a vis the associated fear premium, peak promoters perform a pecuniary social disservice that benefits the oil insiders (speculators, the oil cartel, the brokers) at the expense of many. As Trebek would query: What is immune to the effect of oil prices? And it is those fear mongering profiteering rats in oil (housing too) that need to be restrained for the societal good.

Good scientists admit it when their predictions are wrong. 

When the facts contradict the hypothesis, as has been the case for Hubbert's theory time and time again, since its inception, a good scientist will admit they are wrong. Instead Hubbert's acolytes constantly shift the goalposts, refit the bell curves, and away we go again with another peak.

When anyone can prove Hubbert's theory to be correct, they will earn a Nobel prize and I will remain silent when I hear what sounds very much like ruminations that emanate from a mass hypnosis or psychosis.

Until that day, due to the immense cost of Hubbert's fear premium, which Hubbert's army of acolytes incessant parroting of industry fed, end days, fear mongering, media narrative clap trap inflicts upon society... I will continue with vigor to strike down, discredit and give this "fraternal order of Papagayo" a justifiable beat down with the "ugly theory" stick.

Rest assured that when production declines hit from this latest oil price reality check, Hubbert's parroting acolytes will be trumpeting another false peak.  These claims which do service to Joseph Goebell's should be treated like Hubbert's Nobel Prize, as in never received due to lack of proof and merit.
