Argonaut Gone Wild 5

Continuing from Argonaut Gone Wild 4

Needless to say, the troll erected more straw-men interlaced with ad hominem. To which Salmo Trutta responded: "That’s a disingenuous argument. No one’s ever talked about Fed-wire transactions and gDp but you (they’re no different than clearinghouse transactions, where some are netted, some reflect credits - not debits…).

If you don’t like macro-economics, maybe you should familiarize yourself with technical analysis, viz., "Volume is an important aspect of technical analysis because it is used to confirm trends and chart patterns

More childishness from McTroll: "No one’s ever talked about Fed-wire transactions and gDp but you....

People talk about "velocity" all the time, and they then talk about transactions. Whenever anyone tries to connect it to anything causal, mechanical, observable, or real, on the other hand (i.e. when they try to connect it to "transactions"), it is necessary to point out that those claims are false and no such relations exist.

Salmo responded brilliantly: "Everybody be broke if they followed your logic. I remember when you said that the Fed started tightening monetary policy almost 2 years before they actually did. I guess you forgot to employ your so-called "fudge factor".

And you didn't address anything I said so you might just as well post at the bottom of the comment section.

We finally dropped the hammer on McTroll indirectly:


"Everybody be broke if they followed your logic." and with the lack thereof they would still be living in their parents basement or garage. Thanks for the tip, Wees is right and "look what they've done to our children" is apropos.

"And you didn't address anything I said" its the vacuous modus operandi of professional trolls. Like a 70's Lite Beer commercial, everything you've always wanted in an answer. And less. Sounds great, less filling.

Consistently off topic and disingenuous, while erecting straw men and neurotically battling about things that were never said nor implied. Don Quixote and Sancho Panza would be taken aback. Its not about the truth, its about the commentator's confabbed along the way intellectual diarrhea and their giggling goofball chat acolytes along for the joy ride. Too much parrot food? a product of dodgy schooling? frustrated with living in their parents garage? or just off their meds? Who knows or cares...

Like a parrot or child that keeps repeating itself, and just doesn't get it, rote and memorization can only take one so far. These "daze" street smarts, the ability to discern, improv and think outside of the box are at a premium. And we are plagued with white noise which rather than inform and enlighten, twists the truth to its own needs while pretending to be scholarly for its own pomposity and sake.

From what I see above and below I am reminded of:

Stupid is as Stupid Does - Forrest Gump

You Can't Fix Stupid - Ron White
There are idiots, look around - Larry Summers

Respect and the provision for natural growth are what lead to learning and the acquisition of knowledge. These are what the selfish know it all entitlement generation we suffer from sorely lack(ed) due to a combination of unimaginative schooling, overparenting and political tenure track professors.

For now, I can direct you here for my take on new age trolls, as*clowns and their collective as*hattery: "Nemo me impune lacessit"

Salmo, In closing, the catch has swallowed the hook so deep, your gonna have to gut it to get it out. We just keep feedin line, and the sucker keeps running with it. I've already wasted enough time fishing for the "daddy" of all Cyprinus carpio carpio, and on this lost cause. What is that smell wafting about? Daylight burnin and the reek of professional troll. Out.
