A Sick Society?

Over at a financial forum...
a sick society –  "$1.2M is the take-home pay of the MEDIAN family income in this country over 40 years.  We pay half of our families less than that!  To me, that's the mark of a sick society, where we have a perverse anti-lottery that damns those who get cancer or heart attacks or diabetes and aren't lucky enough to have a quick, cheap death.  So, who disagrees?"
I agree, its sad and apathetic. Who disagrees? Only those in control. and who is in control? Capital for the last 40 years, not labor. This is why all retirement and health risk has been passed down to the individual level. Humans are a fungible resource aka Coppertop.   Unless that revolution we chatted about in Beware The Beast Man? comes… its business as usual or move to Finland?
Remember, remember the fifth of November,
The gunpowder treason and plot,
I know of no reason
Why the gunpowder treason
Should ever be forgot
Guy Fawkes was the only man EVER to enter Parliament with honest intentions. Smiley Emoticon. 
