Duplicitous Ransom Policy?

June 24, 2015 - "I am reaffirming that the United States government will not make concessions, such as paying ransom, to terrorist groups holding American hostages." - US Government Review of hostage policy, US President Barrack Obama

Seven months later on January 17, 2016 the day US economic and Iranian nuclear sanctions were lifted.... "The U.S. airlifted $400M of cash to Iran, with the payment coinciding with the January release of four Americans held in Tehran, the WSJ reported, citing officials briefed on the covert operation. The money has been portrayed as ransom payment by the Iranian press, although senior U.S. authorities noted the cash was the first installment of a $1.7B decades-old failed arms settlement and didn't represent any quid pro quo."

The Nattering One muses... Do as we say, not as we do.  It was such a large amount of cash that the US was forced to transfer the money into the central banks of Switzerland and the Netherlands.

Wooden pallets, which were stuffed with euros, Swiss francs and other foreign currencies, were air lifted to Tehran on January 17. That same day, four US citizens were released in exchange for seven Iranians held in the United States. See coverage here

Covert ops indeed, given that POTUS says we do NOT pay ransom, this begs questions: whatever will or did that $400M go for? Hezbollah? Assad in Syria? or more ISIS seed money? Deep state terrorism at its best?  

Ask our "good friends" the Saudi's about their 28 pages of classified 9/11 dope from 2002. This is not an indictment of the current administration, as they would not be the first, nor last to engage in such behavior,  but you gotta love duplicitous two faced policy.
