They Shoot Horses Don't They?

Following up on The QEP or FED fallacy... over at SA, Money and Inflation, European Evidence...

DDLA - "So what IS the alternative to the Quantitative Easing Policy? Does anyone believe that a smaller supply of narrow money and higher interest rates will produce more economic growth than a larger supply of narrow money and lower interest rates?"

OMG, again? really? To the moon Alice... The fact your asking or arguing those tired old asked and answered, "what is the alternative" questions AGAIN, only proves my point.

Aside from the myopic view ignoring the deleterious effects, one must allow for the conjecture or possibility that something else would have been better and should have and could have been done. 

Which anyone not practicing "conscious ignorance" in a bubble like existence, and with a lick of common sense would tell you, most definitely could and should have.  And they have...

Many of US have tried to explain to yours truly, in this very forum, on occasion too numerous to mention.  Of late your parroting was answered by Salmo Trutta AGAIN, here, here and here

If one actually takes the time and makes an effort to read that entire comment chain from top to bottom, they can witness your ensuing responses usually contain some of the following...

straw men, argue against things neither said nor implied, circular logic, off topic questions or repeat previously answered questions or discredited memes, viz. like the one your retreading right now.

Any denizen of SA, such as yourself, knows that numerous missives and commentary (not just by Snider or myself) have been contributed to amply answer and put your questions to bed, six feet under and six ways to Sunday.  

Since I am not repeating them here, again, instead of issuing what seems to be a patent central bank PR dept fueled response, please go back, seek them out, read the commentary, and read the missives.

Kertch eloquently sheds some light on the ADD, MSM parroting and Fed PR behavior here:
"NN - This is no longer a contest of ideas, but the willful dismissal of reality by the proponents of the current economic ideology. As Joseph Calhoun repeatedly states, they continue to see the world as their theory says it "should be", not as it actually is. There is no way you, I, Salmo, or anyone else is going to make them see reality. The only thing we can do is continue to fight the good fight so that hopefully others that read these blogs will realize that there is an alternative to eating "parrot food"."
I understand the need for vigorous debate and discussion, but you can only lead a horse to water, and watch it get beat to death, so many times and I'm done here. What's next? Please refer to the title of this missive.

Again, regarding higher rates vs NIRP inducing economic growth, and alternatives to what has transpired in the policy arena.... the answer is: 

If you want to get laid, call an Ancient Astronaut theorist, because they always say this... 

