Trump, Meet The New Boss?

Once again, not to be mistaken for Tuesday's With Morrie, it's time for Tuesdays With Trump...

Over at a financial forum...

StJL - "Once again, I think that the middle class voters who turned in great numbers for Trump will soon realize that they voted against their best economic interest. Trump will only be part of the equation – the GOP Congress can't wait to weaken the social safety nets that are so needed by the same people who are so happy today. But too late now I guess"

No surprises here as all along we maintained the memory of what happened in 2000. With that fresh in mind, rather than forgotten in the past, we knew that given the indoctrination of the electorate, anything was possible and history keeps repeating itself.

As for economic interests, as opposed to Hillary's morally bankrupt economic advisers, Trumps have flatline's for an EEG. Both sides negative points amply exposed here.  Hopefully he picks somebody else, who is capable for the task at hand.  

As for disaffected middle class, millennials and angry caucasians who answered Leland Gaunt's rally cry, which pandered to their ego, conscious ignorance, indoctrination and imaginary fears, as I Nattered here...

"Do truly prosperous times give rise to demagogues or spawn duplicitous mercenaries? Motive (a reason), opportunity (means) and intent (state of mind) are ingredients for the commission of a crime. Anger and hatred are emotional states of mind which can mask fear.  It seems that potent cocktail (bartender, one "Leland Gaunt" please.) may have been amply served and consumed. 

In a rush to judgement, how many forego the details, and the fallout of their choices? On November 8th, many disaffected and otherwise, may also have motive and means. Will they abstain? Will they vote? How will they vote? Will they commit a crime? If so, who will be the real victims? " 

The last sentence being apropos in the context that De Maistre was spot on. Witness this elections concomitant reaffirmation of house and senate incumbents, because they are doing such a great job? Turning, "We need change, get the bums out." into nothing more than a hollow cry for lazy hypocrites, who get what they deserve in the end, literally.

You want change? Don't elect a Hillary or a Trump, elect a congress full of Sanders (not the Colonel) and Perot's, and maybe you get some. With a lack of agency, which is the status quo being maintained, real change cannot and will never happen.  You want real change?

The status quo was established with the populaces cooperation and has survived only because of this cooperation. After allowing the status quo to be served up decade after decade, the powers that be have lost respect for the populace. What else would one expect? Let them eat cake, comes to mind. 

Short of violence, bloodshed, civil war, Gandhi proved, the populace must have the strength and resolve to engage in non cooperation with the powers that be. This is the first and last lesson that needs to be learned, as nothing less will suffice.

Only a determined populace that is willing to make sacrifices by taking this critical first step with firm resolve and tenacity, can succeed in regaining their respect and effecting real change. 

Until such time that said populace presents itself, same as it ever was, the mantras of satiation and sloth shall endure, moral will be low and the beatings shall continue, history keeps repeating itself and they just keep getting fooled again... 


In the meantime, lots of talk, talk, talk. Hard but truthful words, those are. More to come in "the daze that fallows?" TBD. 
