Keep Calm and Dream On?

Once again, not to be mistaken for Tuesday's With Morrie, it's time for Tuesdays With Trump... At Danielle DiMartino Booth's The Labor Market: The End of The Innocence...

JustinW - "Trump policy of deregulation and tax cuts will reduce costs of goods sold - not increase them.  Republicans will have a really difficult debate over debt ceiling in March."

From a faithful Naybob of IT...   

"Yeah, "It's morning again in America."  Heard that one 35 years ago from Uncle Ronnie, and we see how it's working out, all down hill since 1985, so good luck with that. Oh, and that's not a light warm rain "trickling down" on your heads."
We Natter... Deregulation of trade (globalization), banking (financialism) and tax cuts, ALL benefiting the haves rather than the have nots, led to the demagoguery which has delivered US unto Trump.

Tax cuts are inequitable. Why? Taxes and income do NOT have a direct relationship for both the rich and poor. When working people's taxes decline, so does their pay, resulting in less after tax income. Said relationship is inverse for the rich.

For the haves, what they "need to live on" and what they are "earning" have little to no relationship.  If one earns so much that they cannot spend it all each year, when their taxes decline, their after tax income increases.  So much for the equity in tax cuts.

Deregulation, NAFTA, Glass Steagall, "more efficient", "more modern", "all boats must rise" and "tearing down these antiquated walls".  All have done wonders for the haves, multi nationals and the ascendancy of the house of finance.

Meanwhile the middle class has been gutted and the GINI coefficient for the poor grows like the Grand Canyon. The disaffected voted to restore their former glory and position? These remnants of the middle class entertain the delusion that POTUS Trump or anyone else for that matter, is going to seriously work on said restoration?  

Vote for change? Newsflash, voting changes nothing as the election was stolen before the votes were cast. With choices limited by a dysfunctional system, the electorates agency has been co-opted to those they have entrusted it to for decades. 

Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Shrub, Obama, all wolves in sheep's clothing.  Grandma, "my what big teeth you have... all the better to eat you with my dear."  Meet the new boss, same as the old boss. 

Accentuated by term limits, elected officials must respect their sponsors first and constituents rarely. With limited time, they have little interest in restoring the status and glory of the middle class or the disaffected.  As the song remains the same...

Keep Calm and Dream on meme courtesy of RJL Productions.  

When the populace lies down for decades, allowing those in which they have entrusted their agency to make all the rules, and bugger them repeatedly, no one in the joint is going to respect them. As anything else but business as usual would shock and surprise, the electorate should assume the position and get ready for more of this...
