Enhancing Spirituality?

Once again it's "in the Toilet Thursday" or "Thursday's in the Loo"...

Last week, in More Fun Than The Color Runs? it was the Color Run Chicago 2017, a 5K event. In following Dookie's trail, we found this was WAY more fun than the last time Dookie got the color runs!

This week, JP Sears, expert on natural pooping and spirituality, wants you to poop more naturally and enhance your spirituality with Squatty Potty.


Once again, shaking his head in disgust, the Nattering One "bed-pans" his readers, a healthy dump out can lift one's spirits indeed... "I sh*t you not".  Enjoy.

Update: as of 08/06/17 the video which was below, is no longer available and cannot be found on the internet... Seems JP Sears and Squatty Potty, must have had a falling out, so to speak.

Update: we have located a copy of the video on The Facebook. Relax, sh*t back, click it in there and enjoy.
