The Best Poop of Your Life?

Once again it's "in the Toilet Thursday" or "Thursday's in the Loo"....

Last week, rather than 
Squatty Potty's poop culture icon, Dookie the Unicorn, featured in A Mystic Unicorn? and This Unicorn Changed The Way I Poop?....

we were treated to potty mouthed comedian Kathy Griffin, explaining in no uncertain terms, why We're All Full of Sh*t?

This week, that 
poop culture icon's craptacular stream of s-h*ts is never ending indeed. Enjoy this delightful music video featuring a dub re-mix of Dookie the Unicorn's best s-h*ts. 

We present The Best Poop of Your Life?  Let's get on with the show, this is s-h*t....
