Deus Ex Machina?
A worthy exchange at Jeffrey Snider's - The Coming of Depression Economics...
Astute and spot on. Deregulation of trade (globalization), banking (financialism) and tax cuts, all canards which have been proven to benefit the haves rather than the have not's. More of the same? Not gonna end well, I've seen that movie too.
From what Salmo suggests, what we call banks, are no longer banks and should be called large offshore hedge funds which make global markets. From what Snider suggests, said grease is running thin in a system which is dysfunctional due to long term exposure to monetary and economic policy based in false doctrine. viz. does not address the REAL cause of the problems.
As long as nobody acknowledges the elephant in the room, the wheels will continue to "come off". Much like Kertch suggests, the high priests will continue to sacrifice the unwitting to their false gods.
More than likely, due to false ideology looking for that deus ex machina, and to cull the herd, instill fear and generate revenues, WW3 shall ensue. Much like CITOC suggests, holding to false "profits" and gods shall not end well for many.
Definitive Panama Papers Expose ; Mossack Fonseca and Names ; The Exploit: Or How 2.6TB of data were hacked and leaked.... and this.
"Stop the "dollar" and there will no longer be any need for intentional disruptions of further negative factors (either more inflation or the utter waste of government spending). Business can go back to the business of business, as it is supposed to be, rather than being concerned about the "rising dollar", the falling dollar, or whatever else some economist might think up to fill in as a deus ex machina in the absence of monetary competence." - Jeffrey Snider
Deregulation allowed all unfreedom to happen. See this. - Gregman2Our Nattering... GM2 - "Deregulation allowed all unfreedom to happen."
Astute and spot on. Deregulation of trade (globalization), banking (financialism) and tax cuts, all canards which have been proven to benefit the haves rather than the have not's. More of the same? Not gonna end well, I've seen that movie too.
"Jeffery- Any system that needs a God in order to work is a religion. These Economists, are actually, resorting to prayer as solution.The God of war maybe? I wonder if anyone has told them, according to most religions, you cannot command (a/the?) God. Its the other way around." - Change is The Only Constant - CITOC
"CITOC, Great observation. They behave like the priests of the old, primitive, polytheistic religions when regarding natural phenomenon they don't understand. If they want rain, they perform certain sacrifices and rituals. If the rain doesn't come they try others. If rain eventually occurs, they presume that they have discovered the "correct" ritual. Of course come the next drought the "correct" ritual fails and a new "correct" ritual must be discovered, because as we know the Gods are fickle. They see only a correlation but lack the ability to distinguish cause and effect or coincidence." - Kertch
The complete deregulation of interest rates for the commercial banks, indeed sponsored by the most dominant economic predator, the oligarch: the ABA, is vitiated on largely false premises on which deregulation is based, viz., that demand deposits in commercial banks constitute the āsavingsā of the depositors, that these are ālentā to the banks, and that the commercial banks are only a āmediumā through which this end is affected. - Salmo Trutta
"No matter what Janet Yellen says about the economy, she is talking out the side of her mouth. Internally, the recovery is gone, and it is never coming back. De-regulation and income tax cuts, as well as the repeal of Obamacare, are all very good things that sorely need to be addressed; but they didn't cause this depression and thus won't get us out of it. " - Jeffrey SniderMore Nattering... This is what Snider alludes to, not a single currency or getting away from the US Dollar. The offshore unregulated eurodollar is what greases the wheels of the global economy. Why? because the "money" is no longer in the banks.
From what Salmo suggests, what we call banks, are no longer banks and should be called large offshore hedge funds which make global markets. From what Snider suggests, said grease is running thin in a system which is dysfunctional due to long term exposure to monetary and economic policy based in false doctrine. viz. does not address the REAL cause of the problems.
As long as nobody acknowledges the elephant in the room, the wheels will continue to "come off". Much like Kertch suggests, the high priests will continue to sacrifice the unwitting to their false gods.
More than likely, due to false ideology looking for that deus ex machina, and to cull the herd, instill fear and generate revenues, WW3 shall ensue. Much like CITOC suggests, holding to false "profits" and gods shall not end well for many.
153 - "I am in 100% agreement as to the money laundering. I would add one more, namely the US itself. The Panama Papers and an investigation by the NYT about NY high end real estate spoke volumes about this country. And we have the balls to lecture the ROW on transparency, et al."More Nattering... Thanks for reminding me about Panama...
Definitive Panama Papers Expose ; Mossack Fonseca and Names ; The Exploit: Or How 2.6TB of data were hacked and leaked.... and this.