Trump's Suck Cession?

Once again, not to be mistaken for Tuesday's With Morrie, it's Tuesdays With Trump... 

After last week's Trump's Confession, we had to double down....
" ignore all the hyperbole, even if POTUS was proven to be (fill in the blank with your favorite expletive, vulgar derogatory phrase or reprehensible individual visual)... the Pubs would keep the "Manchurian Candidate" in office regardless."

Above, see Ruben Bolling's (Tom The Dancing Bug) hysterical comic about that Manchurian Candidate. (Available for purchase at Go Comics.)

Regardless of all the impeachment hyperbole, 
outside achievement of a second flat-line above and beyond the current EEG reading, we're stuck with this POTUS until the next election. Good news, bad news? That scary scenario involves the succession of VP Pence as POTUS 46.

Some of the heir apparent's credentials can be reviewed in The Candidate 2016? Part Two; true colors examined in Straighten Up and Fly Right?; and the ugly thought of accession to POTUS was contemplated in Russian Salad Un-Dressing Trump Gate?

And let's just say Pence, like Agnew, resigned before POTUS was impeached, we get Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan. And if not Ryan then Orrin Hatch. And if not Hatch? then Rex Tillerson? 

Pence? Ryan? Hatch? Tillerson? as any one of those four pose far greater risk to the country.... Unholy Sh*t! As in, Unholy Order of Presidential Suck-cession and a quadruple no way in hell, Batman! 

Timing is everything and like Indiana Jones, the Donald choose wisely, because for any one of those four to become POTUS, first hell would have to freeze over Trump's and a multitude of dead bodies, including this Nattering one. 

Given the alternatives, I got your back Donnie Brasco, now please get with the program. Hint: get at least one constructive, as opposed to destructive thing, accomplished to benefit the citizens of this country during your remaining 3.5 years. 

So far DT's batting Oh for Forever and we are reminded of this obscure and arcane phrase: "August 9, 1974. I first lay eyes on Mimsy."  More to come, but not today and Out.

