On Tom DeLay

DNC Chairman Howard Dean in an interview with Chris Matthews...

MATTHEWS: Is Tom DeLay still a poster boy for corruption for the Democrats?

DEAN: We don’t need Tom DeLay as a poster boy for corruption. We have Karl Rove who still has a security clearance after leaking the name of a security agent. We’ve have got Bill Frist, we’ve got Dick Cheney’s chief of staff. We have got so many poster boys for corruption in the Republican Party that, you know, I think this is good for America that Tom DeLay has stepped down and now we’re on to the next thing.

DEAN: think of what George Bush has brought to Washington: his own procurement officer, arrested and indicted; the chief of staff of the vice president, arrested and indicted; the Republican leader of the United States Senate, Republican Bill Frist, under investigation for insider trading; Tom DeLay, resigned."

From BILL MAHER: "Okay, let me ask you about Tom DeLay... He stepped down this week. I was talking on the show last week about how Brazil is energy-independent as of next year, and I was saying it doesn’t look like the United States really has the chops anymore to achieve big goals like that. And I would – I think one of the reasons we can’t achieve big goals anymore is because nothing ever happens in this country anymore without somebody getting paid off.

And you can cry about Tom DeLay leaving, but I really think Tom DeLay is the poster boy for that. He is the poster boy for the kind of getting paid off, sludge fund, influence peddling, crony capitalism that has turned America into something less than a first-rate power."
