It's Getting Better All The Time

We have banged on this drum before to the Beatle's jingle... "It's getting better all the time...."

The illusion that household liquidity is high, things are getting cheaper and life is getting better all the time.

Household cash as a % of stock ownership, bonds as a % of household assets and cash as a % of total household assets are at multi year lows.

Household debt service ratio, mortgage obligations as % of disposable income, are at all time highs.

Household liquidity as a % of household liabilities, household cash less liabilities, household cash as a % of real estate ownership and owners equity as a % of market value of real estate are at all time lows.

Have a look at this article for a further dose of REALITY.

If you have A.D.D. which in this prozac & sound bite world, most do, at least do yourself the service of looking at the charts.

If this doesn't shock you, nothing else will and you are "comfortably dumb".
