Paradigm Shift? Digital Currency 5 - Show me da money

Who is investing in Digital Currency? Reggie Middleton runs down the Margin Compression and where $100 Million in seed money is going in the "Payment Processing" space.

As a matter of fact, I feel that the payment space will quickly become commoditized by Bitcoin technology...
forcing these companies and many more (I'm talking about you Mastercard, Visa and Western Union) to innovate and offer significantly and materially better value for the buck.
Imagine what this competitive landscape will look like when Mastercard, Visa, American Express, Discover and Western Union jump into the fray.
Of course, before that a much greater portion of the VC and private equity community will wake up and realize the opportunity in Bitcoin to pour more cash into it than sugar into a Bubble gum machine (emphasis on "Bubble").

Reggie who is usually on the money, is also bullish on the digital cash play.

And we are bullish on Reggie as well, we like his attitude.

Now that you know what is it, and who the players are, The Nattering One will expound, as he always does on these so called "new" paradigms, by rubbing them together, tomorrow.

Paradigm Shift? Digital Currency 6 - Bucking da Buck? 
Paradigm Shift? Digital Currency - Index
