The Great Social Experiment

Regarding the above captioned, yesterday we mentioned Nattering from several weeks ago: "Most are so poor, either in a pecuniary nature, or observational skills, that they can't even pay attention... I understand the pecuniary side, but the skills side makes me wonder, is it the sound bytes, or medication contraindication (vicodin, ritalin) or just societal ADD?

In 2005 we Nattered: "What to do with the 3H (Harassed, Harangued and Harried) club? In the late 80's Starbuck's and Prozac were test marketed in Bagdad by the Bay of the Great Northwest (Seattle). This grand social experiment was conducted to determine if a weather depressed populace could be emotionally satiated, motivated to higher productivity and kept under control, all at the same time. The social control test was more successful than anyone could have imagined and National deployment soon followed. Prozac for the adults and Ridelin for the kiddies. This was the turning point for the medical and pharmacological community and with the myriad of new stress related afflictions, has led to the birth of the boutique pharmacological industry."

On Feb 10, 2015, PennyWatchDog commented: [after being injured on the job] "They sent me home every month with enough narcotics, muscle relaxers, anti-depressants, and sleeping pills to kill myself two or three times over.

The Nattering One mused: "That's the managed care - pharma complex at work, glorified pill pushers, masking the symptoms but never curing the cause because the money is in treatment, not curing. The great crowd control experiment started in Seattle in the mid 70's. The initial experiment had two goals, keep em productive (caffeine) and non suicidal (antidepressant). Seattle had a very high suicide rate. It took over a decade of selective testing and with FDA approval of the 1st SSRI (Prozac) in 1987, success was declared and national roll out was the order of the day. Between 1987 and 2007, Starbucks opened on average two new stores every day and the SSRI became the mood enhancer of "choice". Way too many on "mothers little helpers" (read opiate pain killers) or mood enhancers these daze... no pun intended. Otherwise referred to as the Espresso and Paxil for Lunch Bunch... as in dazed and confused."
