Laissez faire? Or Savoir faire?

Over at SeekingAlpha, DigDeep asks why anyone would want to attempt to control monetary policy, the economy and markets in general.

"Why would you/we want any planning committee to try and' 'control' anything? They can't control the market nor should they IMO."

I will try to Natter out an answer. Do we give up the illusion of freedom or Laissez faire? In order to promote Savoir faire? aka the ability to be adaptable and adroit, and knowing what to do in any situation.

Why would we attempt control? Control is a misnomer and what is necessary and has been lacking, is proper and truthful guidance. Digdeep is correct in that the ubiquitous "they" should not be controlling anything. As per "their" agenda, through the exertion of improper guidance in global governmental, corporate and monetary policies "they" have effected a value extraction strategy, or harvesting of profits and future potential, nothing more, nothing less. 

Any semblance of laissez faire is strictly a coincidental illusion. Under the current regime (circa 1985) the manipulated markets (improperly controlled or misguided for short term benefit and long term objective) have resulted in serial asset inflation bubbles (failure by design) and a debasement of economic potential.  Both of which are unsustainable and need to be corrected as soon as possible.

Any assumption that proper guidance cannot be affected and effected is based in the falsity of current paradigms, the resulting chaos and management by crisis thereof.  As in failure and divisive political gridlock by design, to baffle with BS or to lead one astray from the truth. The high priests are false prophets of a false doctrine, whose sole purpose is misdirection and misguidance, or pay no heed to the man behind the curtain. Their savoir faire is everywhere and designed to make the naive believe in the illusion that laissez faire exists. 

We would attempt proper guidance because we can, and given past results from improper guidance, it is prudent to do so. The necessary guidance is not rocket science, just truthful numbers, common sense and an agenda that has everyone's best interests at heart. Any attempt to return to normalcy and the truth, which is a necessity, will require guidance that is aligned with reality rather than the current agenda, in which falsity is a prerequisite. 

Any furtherance of the prevailing wholesale falsity in econometrics, markets, governmental, corporate and monetary policies (in support of said agenda aka ascendancy of the house of finance and the 1%) would not be prudent at this juncture.  Such furtherance may result in, an untenable situation in which global extremes of injustice and inequities might reign, and ultimately when history repeats itself, a truly chaotic and unhappy ending for many.  

In all likelihood, I might not be around for that tragedy, but truly pity those who might be unfortunate enough to have to experience it.  At the end of the day, we have the savoir faire for proper guidance, which needs to be exerted lest we lose all hope of returning to anything that has a semblance of laissez faire in the future.
