Inflation Is Tame?

Over at a financial forum...

If I had a buck for every chump that thinks inflation is tame, I'd be a billionaire. 

BDC – "Certainly one of the things we haven't seen is inflation."

We Nattered...
"BDC – "Certainly one of the things we haven't seen is inflation"  May I ask where you live? Because I want to move there.  As it seems outside of the cost of gasoline or some consumer electronics, your auto, health, home insurance, utility bills, housing/rent equivalent and food bills have all magically gone down or stayed the same since 2008. 
This would be akin to the hellish burg of MIRACLE, Texas in HBO's The Leftovers, where there never has been a recorded "departure".  Don't conflate consumer inflation, which is raging in double digits, and trust me, I can prove it, with asset inflation or deflation. Beware the kool-aid of statistical falsity, and remember, the guilty remnant smokes not to proclaim their faith, but to show their strength. Out."

BDC responded...
"OK, this is hilarious, let's see: Health: less; Auto: less; Housing: WAYYYYYY less; Utilities: less, and by a lot on natural gas; Food: less (action item: walk through a Walmart in Cheyenne, WY, sometime)
Oddly the only thing that costs more is consumer electronics (iPhones are $600 and flip phones back in the day were $50), which you mentioned a Special Exemption for. Of course, they do a lot more, but us conflated consumers are too stupid to differentiate this from the Mighty Thinkers of our world. Apologies. No Magic. Just less. Weird. 
Can you find anything that's actually gone up, or am I just one of the conflated consumers who only buys "assets" and not, um "consumer-ettes," or whatever it is that are raging in the double digits? 
Even WA State tuition is down. Crap, there's nothing I can pay more for in this world, even if I try! I guess bitcoins cost more, but I bought those at 8. I'm just out of ideas…."
We Natter: BDC presents ZERO empirical evidence with his straw man and ad hominem response, not even dubious CPI or PCE statistics.  Apparently, BDC doesn't believe that inflation is occurring and in fact believes that prices are declining for ALL goods and services including insurance.  

Yes, read that again folks. Really? BDC also claims that consumer electronics are the one thing where prices are going UP. Seriously?  Below, weird indeed as since 1998, PC and peripheral prices have done nothing but decline. 

Further, as far back as we know, consumer electronics prices have done nothing but fall. Below telephone hardware (all those smart phones) showing Yoy negative or falling prices, worsening since 2010 from -1% to -15% in 2015.  No magic, just less, weird.

Proving that BDC is correct in only this statement: 
"but us conflated consumers are too stupid to differentiate this from the Mighty Thinkers of our world. Apologies."
Apologies cheerfully accepted, ol buddie, ol pal.

BDC comments... 

"I guess when the data sits right on the grocery store's frickin' shelf staring me in the face, than it must somehow be a govmint conspiracy theory of funny numbers because, well I don't know why …. I just don't get it. I mean data is data." 
We Natter: I don't know of anyone in any walk of life or from any country, having your unique deflationary experience. In fact, at no point in time have I ever met anyone who said the price of EVERYTHING (excepting electronics) is declining. That would be nice, but that's not how the world works. 

Given that those PC's, peripherals, phones and consumer electronics were right on the store's frickin shelf staring you in the face, and you thought the prices were getting HIGHER?  Well, you must be one of the lucky few or living a "special" and charmed life to have that experience. Congrats on living the dream, indeed.

Yeah data is data, and there is lies, damned lies, and statistics. Amongst my bailiwicks is quantitative and qualitative analysis, aka stat. GDP, CPI, PCE and their deflators are all cherry picked and miscalculated by design. 

A mathematician, much like a banker, can lie to you six ways to Sunday and you won't know it.  And that's exactly what the government does on a daily basis to keep the sheeple happy before they fleece them.
BDC comments...
Of course there's inflation, I mean duh, but what matters is inflation versus mean salary, so if you made $6,000/yr a s minister in 1972, that's not much but how much was housing and cars and computers (in 1972?) as percentage of mean salary, but that same job pays $58,000 per year now.
We Natter: Monetary Inflation is an increase in the money supply which can sometimes result in price inflation, but not always.  Price Inflation is when prices get higher or it takes more money to buy the same item, which describes part of the problem at hand.  

What we have is actually classic stagflation, since 2000 the annual inflation rate is double digit, see the more truthful 1980 CPI method and the Chapwood Index, the true economic growth rate slows or becomes negative (since 2001), and un or under employment remains steadily high vis U-6 being double digit (10%) which includes discouraged workers and all other marginally attached workers and adds on those workers who are part-time purely for economic reasons. By adding long term discouraged unemployed (who stopped being counted in 1994) to U-6, it is calculated that 23% are under or un-employed.

What is also important is that prices keep going up, while wages or real income keep going down. Since 1999, as undercalculated by CPI-U, real median household income has declined 7.2%, or is it 11%, or is it 25% as we previously Nattered here

In any case, over the last 17 years, income HAS DECLINED while prices HAVE INCREASED and buying power has DECREASED. For more statistics on the post crisis recovery and robust economy see here and here.

BDC comments... 

People believe what they want to believe. I guess the more interesting question to me would be why "inflation" is so important to the agenda you grind. Now we can get into the grist…
We Natter: Yes people do believe what they want, stupid is as stupid does, because much like an anus, every one of them has an opinion.  First, I don't have an agenda. Second, I don't grind.  

I could just keep my mouth shut, guffaw, chortle and yuk it up while reading un- mis- and dis- informed commentary along with "why and how did that happen" in the forum.  But that is not why I am here. I am here to SHARE what I KNOW and to LEARN from P and others.  

P tries to teach, be the house, not the gambler, and that geopolitics and markets are manipulated by the powers that be. If you know how the deck is stacked, or the game is rigged, you can profit from it. A realistic perspective and spot on methodology.

That same reasoning or logic applies to how the banking system, central banks, finance, capital and macroeconomics or all the forces behind money, work. Why? because its the bankster's system and they control it. In any event, its your money, go ahead make their day and believe what you are told. Sheeple are easier to control.

The following quote accurately describes the situation we are in today.

"Lenin is said to have declared that the best way to destroy the capitalist system was to debauch the currency. By a continuing process of inflation, governments can confiscate, secretly and unobserved, an important part of the wealth of their citizens. 
By this method they not only confiscate, but they confiscate arbitrarily; and, while the process impoverishes many, it actually enriches some. The sight of this arbitrary rearrangement of riches strikes not only at security, but at confidence in the equity of the existing distribution of wealth. 
Those to whom the system brings windfalls, beyond their deserts and even beyond their expectations or desires, become 'profiteers,' who are the object of the hatred of the bourgeoisie, whom the inflationism has impoverished, not less than of the proletariat. 
As the inflation proceeds and the real value of the currency fluctuates wildly from month to month, all permanent relations between debtors and creditors, which form the ultimate foundation of capitalism, become so utterly disordered as to be almost meaningless; and the process of wealth-getting degenerates into a gamble and a lottery.
Lenin was certainly right. There is no subtler, no surer means of overturning the existing basis of society than to debauch the currency. The process engages all the hidden forces of economic law on the side of destruction, and does it in a manner which not one man in a million is able to diagnose." - John Maynard Keynes - 1919
Although some of Keynes theories are based in false doctrine, the above demonstrates why sheeple should not believe government inflation statistics and why inflation is important. 

BDC comments... 

And speaking of data the MIT billion point price index matches the "guvmint conspiracy" data pretty closely. Oops. (oh and PS – JFK was shot by Oswald get over it. How do I know …. DATA!).
We Natter: The MIT billion point index is a sellout to corporate and government educational funding. Case closed. The JFK investigation was botched, Oswald and Ruby aren't talking. No further determination can be made. Case closed.  Mulder and Scully are coming back this Sunday on FOX.  X-Files re-opened.

BDC comments... 

Of course, the snide "I don't pay my own bills" BULLSHIT comment aside.
We Natter: Who made that comment?  I wrote "I'd like some feedback on this from some other members that actually pay their own bills and have their feet still on the ground". 

I have known people that upon entering a grocery store, just about had a heart attack, as in they had never done the shopping and the bills were paid by their accountants. 

Nowhere in MY statement does it say YOU don't pay your own bills OR YOU don't have your feet still on the ground.  Much like "on the grocery store's frickin' shelf staring me in the face", that inference comes only from your inner reflection. No magic, weird indeed.

BDC comments... 

My original post, the point of which you completely missed, was in discussion of inflation RELATIVE TO THE UNITED STATES 20-YEAR TREASURY BOND. This was obvious because the context (which I expect everyone to understand without further explanation) was in reference to TBT which is a 2X ultra short 20-year US treasury bond. My comment was why we haven't seen inflation IN THIS PARTICULAR FINANCIAL INSTRUMENT.  
Pay attention, this is called "macroeconomics," not "how much does one individual person pay for one individual product." Those types of comparisons have a thing called BIAS. It these exact same types of maddening conversations that allow "scientists" to bamboozle my brother into taking "organic silicon."
We Natter: As for the organic silicon,  a potentially far bigger problem is, the macroeconomists at the Fed have bamboozled many into believing that inflation is tame, while it is raging all around them.  "Crap, there's nothing I can pay more for in this world, even if I try! I'm just out of ideas…."

Your original question was why we have not seen inflation in that instrument.  Why would you? You yourself indicate that inflation is tame and non existent.  You of all people already know the answer to your own question.  And you ask me or anyone else to "pay attention" while you claim to have some knowledge of macroeconomics or statistical inference? The Raven chides blackness. 

As it would appear that you don't know shelf pricing, even if it was staring you in the face; believe the paid government macroeconomic liars and their statistical falsity; and macroeconomics might not be one of your fortes, I would mind your "assets" first. Out.
