Everything Is Finite

In Peak What? Is It Safe? we Nattered: "The emotional coping or "golem effect" influencing the fear premium, which has inflicted a quantified societal cost through higher market prices, has led to a "pygmalion effect" through problem based coping, yielding a qualified social benefit in the discovery of new sources, methods, processes and technology.

Thereby rendering King Hubbert's malthusian prediction a "prophet's dilemma" or a self defeating prophecy, as in one that prevents what it predicts from happening. Proving there is a silver lining in every cloud, and on occasion, even a blind squirrel, like moi, finds a nut. As the poet Jagger said... "you can't always get what you want, but if you try sometimes, well you might find you get what you need."
Ingot commented: "Oil is finite. Unless you are willing to destroy the planet to get more of it out through fracking and dangerous deep ocean drilling."
We Nattered back: In one sense or another, everything is finite.

Further, all things must and do come to an end.  We prefer, turn out the lights, the parties over, all good things must come to an end...
