Trump Goes Viral?

From a Naybob of IT...  from Infowars...

"The American people need to realize that Donald J. Trump is our last hope. He is the only person who is capable of saving America and the Western World as a whole from falling into the depths of despair due to globalist agendas and a crippling political correctness era.

These clips show Donald Trump from all the way back in 1986 up until present day, and they do a fantastic job at demonstrating the kind of person Trump is, and why he deserves to be the next president."

After viewing the video above, someone commented: "This will get Trump elected if it goes viral. What an inevitable omen. Who would have thought! VOTE TRUMP!"

Trump or Clinton? Vote for either "choice" and your screwed six ways to Sunday. The election process has made a mockery of democracy for quite some time. The joke is on the electorate and the punchline at they and their children's expense.  Our "system" is not democracy in action.
